
Why is Work and Career so Important in our lives?

2019-09-16T02:41:37+08:0023rd August, 2017|

The development of a professional identity is crucial, as researchers have found that it signifies life contentment and happiness. Likewise, Sigmund Freud identified work and love to be the two powerful methods humans employ in order to gain happiness and keep suffering at bay (Freud, 1930/1989, p 732). In a similar fashion, Erikson (1950/1963 as [...]

Five ways to deal with a passive aggressive boss

2019-09-16T03:12:51+08:009th January, 2015|

Having a passive aggressive boss can make any employee feel drained and unmotivated. Passive aggressive behavior is the indirect expression of hostility. It can take place through procrastination, sullenness, irritability or ignoring a person or his demands. It often leaves you doubting yourself and your abilities, which leads to increased levels of stress, more mistakes [...]

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