Female energy is very different from feminine energy and can be found in both men and women of all ages and sexual orientation. The female energy I am referring to embodies the techniques we employ in order to go through our daily lives, achieve our goals, or connect with others. We are all governed by female energy. However, the degree we develop, and engage in our female energy varies from individual to individual. Female energy allows us to feel compassion for others and ourselves; it allows us to have faith in all positive possibilities even in the face of adversity; it allows as to accept obstacles whilst believing that they will lead us to the desired outcome. Yet, the most powerful dynamic of the female energy is that it can lead us to the achievement of our goals without engaging in the painful process of fighting for our goals. The female energy will give us the wisdom to visualise our goals in all realms of life, engage in the necessary actions to achieve those goals, and wait peacefully for the goals to be manifested.
I realise that most of you are already wondering how is this possible to happen. Let me explain the process in greater detail. We are all brainwashed by our parents, grandparents, history, the media, the educational system that we need to work hard, sacrifice pleasure, and fight hard in order to succeed. This is the male energy of achieving our goals. The male energy can lead to success but in the process we could have sacrificed personal relationships, our mental and physical health, and pleasure. This model is widely utilised in the business world with little respect, care and compassion for the business opponent/s. On the contrary, fighting, aggression and trickery are considered necessary in the achievement of such goals.
On the other hand, the female energy can help us achieve the exact same goals through utilising different tools such as respect for others and ourselves, cooperation, taking action whilst maintaining our mental and physical health, balancing our time between work and spending time with loved ones. The catalytic difference between the male and the female energy is that the female energy entails faith, and the strong conviction that our goals will materialise without having to fight and struggle; without having to bring down, or trick others. The same way the female body receives the gift of life and can create life without fighting, or trying hard, female energy can create the desired results. All we need to do is take the necessary action, have faith in the outcomes and wait for our goals to manifest. Doubt, worries and agitation cannot coexist with the female energy as they lead us to male energy and the inclination to fight for what we want.
In our modern world, we tend to believe that the male energy is the only energy that will help us survive and lead us to success. The majority of men and women who have succeeded in life believe that only the strong male energy has helped them materialise their goals. It’s true that male energy can help you achieve your goals; but at what cost? The cost of the male energy is the loss of physical, or mental health, disturbed personal relationships, fatigue, lack of empathy, limited care for others, imbalanced energy, and hormonal problems especially for women.
It’s high time, we all embraced our female energy and allowed our dreams to come to us. It’s about time we embraced our female energy in order to become healthier mentally and physically, bond on a deeper level with our loved ones, raise emotionally stable children, enjoy life whilst feeling rested, and increase the levels of empathy in all our interactions. The female energy requires faith and trust that is the most difficult step to take for individuals attracted to the male energy; but once mastered life feels easier, fulfilling, and gratifying.
© Maria Micha. All Rights Reserved. All articles and content belong to Maria Micha and may not be reproduced or used without express permission.
Maria’s warm, caring and compassionate approach to my therapy immediately put me at ease and I felt very comfortable with her. She has helped me enormously during the time I have been seeing her and I will continue to do so. She is a truly wonderful therapist and I wouldn’t hesitate to recommend her.
Maria helped me gain clarity about many difficult issues. With her guidance, expertise and techniques, my life has turned around – especially my relationships with loved ones. Within a few sessions, Maria helped me feel confident and calm. Now I am able to accomplish the things I once thought were out of my reach.
My husband and I were having problems with our marriage and while I was initially hesitant to even consider therapy my husband convinced me to give it a try. I have to say that Maria has helped us tremendously and guided us in overcoming the issues that were present in our relationship and our marriage is back on track.
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