
Five ways to deal with a passive aggressive boss

2019-09-16T03:12:51+08:009th January, 2015|

Having a passive aggressive boss can make any employee feel drained and unmotivated. Passive aggressive behavior is the indirect expression of hostility. It can take place through procrastination, sullenness, irritability or ignoring a person or his demands. It often leaves you doubting yourself and your abilities, which leads to increased levels of stress, more mistakes [...]

Information on Psychotherapy

2019-09-16T03:16:09+08:009th August, 2014|

Psychotherapy is a general term for resolving day to day life challenges or addressing mental health concerns by talking with a psychologist. During psychotherapy you can learn about your adopted behavioral patterns and the mechanisms involved that often lead to a dysfunctional relationship or situation. Psychotherapy also facilitates understanding your condition and your moods, feelings, [...]

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