Maria Micha

About Maria Micha

Becoming a psychotherapist was a decision I made early on in life during my late childhood years. It was almost as if I did not have a choice. My true interest in the emotional wellbeing of the people in my environment and my motivation to assist them find solutions to significant life issues, combined with the overwhelming feeling of satisfaction when people found inner peace, made my studies in psychology a necessity.

Marriage counseling, how it can help and why you shouldn’t feel embarrassed or ashamed

2019-09-16T02:45:29+08:0025th December, 2016|

Marriage is a beautiful institution and should ideally be based on love, respect and mutual understanding. However, the divorce rate is rising worldwide and couples often reach the conclusion that they have grown apart and therefore decide to separate. Successful marriages are a result of the continual support partners offer each other as they go [...]

How to survive sexual abuse

2021-08-04T15:20:47+08:008th November, 2016|

Making love to your beloved partner is one of the most beautiful activities for the mind, soul and the body. Yet this divine union can be turned into a nightmare if it’s forced. Victims of rape and molestation feel out of control, violated, disrespected, constantly threatened and disgusted with their own bodies. The spark [...]

Abusive relationships and what to do about them

2019-09-16T03:03:13+08:009th September, 2015|

Everybody's dream is a compassionate, loving, supporting relationship. However, reality often strikes, rearing its ugly head. The romantic words and gestures which our partner used to shower us with are transformed into name calling and diminishing labels. In some cases, physical violence is an integral part of the relationship. Physical abuse is frequently reported [...]

Five ways to deal with a passive aggressive boss

2019-09-16T03:12:51+08:009th January, 2015|

Having a passive aggressive boss can make any employee feel drained and unmotivated. Passive aggressive behavior is the indirect expression of hostility. It can take place through procrastination, sullenness, irritability or ignoring a person or his demands. It often leaves you doubting yourself and your abilities, which leads to increased levels of stress, more mistakes [...]

Information on Psychotherapy

2019-09-16T03:16:09+08:009th August, 2014|

Psychotherapy is a general term for resolving day to day life challenges or addressing mental health concerns by talking with a psychologist. During psychotherapy you can learn about your adopted behavioral patterns and the mechanisms involved that often lead to a dysfunctional relationship or situation. Psychotherapy also facilitates understanding your condition and your moods, feelings, [...]

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