- Discard the notion of perfection as it will only make you more stressed and less innovative. Instead grow a strong belief in your mental abilities. You possess the creative “magic” and no one can take it away from you. Your history is your proof. Your skills, knowledge and ability to synthesize information has made you an ingenious visionary.
- Develop the habit of self-validation and disconnect from the dependency of external validation. It will set you free.
- Love yourself for being the amazing you! Draw strength from your successful history. You struggled, failed, learnt from the pitfalls, incorporated the knowledge and finally succeeded.
- Take care of your body out of self-love and not out of a need to be liked by yourself or others. Eat well and exercise out of love for you. Self-care needs to be independent of any type of achievement.
- Feel Lovable. There is always love around us. All we need to do is open our hearts to recognize it and receive it.
- Feel Unlimited; emotionally, mentally, physically and professionally.
- Discard unrealistic expectations. You can’t work 18-hours days, and love yourself, take care of your body/mind and engage in meaningful interactions with family/friends. Enjoying a safe and loving environment with loved ones will enhance your creativity, balance the chemicals in your brain (as you produce high levels of “happy” chemicals), and replenish your energy levels for the next workday.
- Disengage from the Fight Or Flight Or Hide Response 24/7. You are depleting your mind’s and body’s vital resources. Eventually, you will get mentally, or physically burnout (i.e. depression, suicidality, heart issues, cancer, or autoimmune diseases).
- Feel financially safe. You have been safe so far. If you scare yourself with the threat of financial ruin, you will only get more stressed and anxious. When we are stressed, we cannot produce, create, or see possibilities for a safe, abundant future.
- Find time to play like a kid. Bring fun back.
- Discard the fears. Allow your desired vision of the future to guide you.
- You deserve to sleep and repair your body and brain. Disengage from work activities at least 90 minutes before bedtime.
- You are not an Impostor! Your accomplished success is a result of your creative mind, emotional resilience, and ability to envision the future of your organization. You have arrived! Celebrate!
- In life we will experience loss (job loss, financial loss). Give yourself time to process the adversity. Then count your blessings as “This is the perfect opportunity to CREATE a new Life”.
- You Are NOT The Sum Of Your Results. You are not your achievements. You are a lot more than your achievements. Identify with all the other qualities you have. Babies have proven nothing when they are born but they love themselves tremendously and believe our parental role is to solely take care of them. Parents will spoil their unconditional self-love and self-validation through criticism.
- Be creative; emotionally and artistically.
- Smile and laugh like a child.
- Engage in mental health care. Be the agent of change in order to lift the taboo regarding seeking help for mental/emotional challenges.
- You are not alone! Change the thought that no one caring for you. It’s not true.
- Seek emotional support from family/friends when your energy/mood is declining.
- Be aware of the catastrophising thoughts, identify the triggers and use your conscious mind to create changes in your subconscious mind where all the fears and stress are embedded.
- Recognize your fear >>> Replace the fear with a positive vision, desirable thoughts and elevated feelings>>> Create a new reality and Enter your new life.
- You can’t change in high beta brain wave frequency. Be aware of heightened levels of stress and disconnect from your anxious environment. Engage in breathing, mediation, and peaceful silence. You can change your brain wave frequency. You are that powerful and unlimited!
© Maria Micha. All Rights Reserved. All articles and content belong to Maria Micha and may not be reproduced or used without express permission.
Maria’s warm, caring and compassionate approach to my therapy immediately put me at ease and I felt very comfortable with her. She has helped me enormously during the time I have been seeing her and I will continue to do so. She is a truly wonderful therapist and I wouldn’t hesitate to recommend her.
Maria helped me gain clarity about many difficult issues. With her guidance, expertise and techniques, my life has turned around – especially my relationships with loved ones. Within a few sessions, Maria helped me feel confident and calm. Now I am able to accomplish the things I once thought were out of my reach.
My husband and I were having problems with our marriage and while I was initially hesitant to even consider therapy my husband convinced me to give it a try. I have to say that Maria has helped us tremendously and guided us in overcoming the issues that were present in our relationship and our marriage is back on track.
Monday – Friday | 10am – 7pm |
Saturday | 10am – 1pm |
Closed on Sunday’s and public holidays |